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Science-Minded. Business Driven.


As part of the MMB's curriculum, students are immerse in courses designed to develop professional skills across multiple industries, engage with industry leaders, and apply creativity and innovation to solve unique challenges. All MMB students take a Biosciences Management course in addition to two MBA electives of their choice. Below are a sampling of business coursework I have taken while in the MMB program.

Lab Grown Meat

Current Topics in Biosciences Management
(MBA 585)

This course exposes students to themes and emerging strategies in the biopharma and life sciences industry. With a focus on strategic planning, process improvement, and federal regulation, students engage in case studies presentations and collaborative group projects that further their understanding of the dynamics in the global biopharmaceutical industry

Practicum: Partnering Trends in Biosciences

Led a five-member project team to prepare a comprehensive report on recent and emerging trends in biotechnology strategic alliances. Literature, market, and KOL research was conducted over the course of the semester, culminating with a final presentation to peers.

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Business Handshake

Opportunity Evaluation and Value Creation
(MBA 570)

This course immerses students in the processes of identifying, exploring, and exploiting opportunities for value creation. Regardless of career goals, students are challenged to think about how to create value through a practicum project in which a unique opportunity is assessed at the micro and macro levels to determine its feasibility and viability as a business venture.

Practicum: The Holey Bun

Collaborated with a five-member project team to ideate and investigate market opportunity for a novel business venture comprised of a novel hot dog bun, termed The Holey Bun. Activities included market and industry research at the macro and micro levels, including primary research with potential consumers. The practicum culminated in a final feasibility assessment in which it was determined market conditions and thin industry margins do not favor entry into the food product segment.

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Bar Chart

Venture Opportunity Analytics
(MBA 572)

In this practicum-based course, students focus on quantitative analysis of a new venture opportunity, working with clients in industry to answer key business questions. Project teams work with their client to identify key questions, formulate hypotheses, and develop a strategy to collect data from primary sources using Qualtrics surveys and interviews. Upon the conclusion of data collection, teams utilize data analysis tools such as JMP or SPSS to assess their findings which are presented to the client in a final presentation.

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Practicum: Market Opportunity for GM Traits in Commidity Crops

Led a five-member project team to evaluate the market opportunity for genetically modified (GM) traits conferring drought tolerance and improved nutrient utilization in corn, soy, and canola in North and South American markets. Scope of work included identifying regional opportunities, markets alternatives, product specifications, and regulatory considerations. Data was collected from primary sources via surveys and interviews along with secondary market reports. Data from over 80 respondents was obtained 1.5 months and provided the client with actionable market intelligence to guide commercialization efforts of GM seed traits.

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